I am finally going to do it. I am going to travel with diabetes. Going cross state with some friends to... AN ANIME CONVENTION!!!!! It's five count them 5 hours away driving. Without my amazing mommy there to help me. PANIC!! I'm so excited and happy though. it will be nice to get out of this house. CRAZY people live here. And not the good kind i like to hang with. Diabetes is hard enough without them.
Anyway back to the topic at hand. This will also be the first time i will be far from back-up supplies. Scary thought. but i have friends that will make sure i bring enough stuff. YAY. So far i have packed all the clothes/outfits packed. all but my p.j.s which i took out cause i can't run around the house in my underwear. Darn living with unrelated couple and their children.
That's my suitcase, i have a night bag and a make up bag also. My bag has shoes that i may wear accessories and things that i may need to get to in the car(not done packing it) and the make up bag is holding all my diabetes supplies except for what will be in my purse. Most of whats left to pack is last minute everyday stuff. Wish me luck! Hope the big D behaves!
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