Friday, July 1, 2011


   Well, today was a day out with my friends. we have cosplay meetings which for those who don't know are where we dress up as anime characters and have fun. Sometimes we sit around eating and talking sometime we play games. Thankfully sense i don't have a car i walk (getting exercise) so i know i don't really have to worry about high blood sugars on days like today. Even though only a few people showed up it was still fun. That is until we all noticed some guy watching us. Apparently he started off at the fountain half the park away and slowly made his way to a table a few feet away from us. He was obviously watching us too. We ended up going to the library two blocks away. Plus it was nice because it was realllllllly hot out. Everyone got home safely.  My friend took picture for her article i mentioned in my last post, of me testing my blood sugar. She forgot to interview me though....

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